Oil Drilling Companies Used 45 Mill. lbs of Air Toxins in LA Area

[Press release] A new analysis from the Center for Biological Diversity, Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles, CBE, and the Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment. Read the report here.

This important report ought to startle people about the vast volume of highly toxic chemicals used in drilling operations in the LA region. Some of these compounds such as Hydrogen Fluoride are so deadly that even the oil refineries have phased them out. We need to ask why regulators allow such dangerous operations that expand extreme energy oil drilling in highly populated regions. Either way, we pay for this energy, but we could instead invest in clean solar and electric vehicles. We don’t want communities to also pay for dirty energy at the expense of their health. Neither do we want these hazardous chemicals transported through our communities.

People can also look up the data themselves at this Air District link.