Call to Action: LA City Attorney, Release the Report!

See whole post here.

#CalltoAction We need your help in our fight for a 2,500 set back from oil drilling sites near our homes, parks, and hospitals! We have been targeting our City Attorney TO ACT in a a time of overwhelming crisis. We refuse to let entire communities be exposed to toxic oil emissions and we refuse to BARGAIN with greedy oil companies. Keep oil drilling a whole 2500ft away from where humans live! Mike Feuer release the report and don’t SELL OUT our neighborhoods! #NoDrillingWhereWereLiving

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(ENG: Hi my name is __________________ and I live in the City of Los Angele (state which oil site you live next to). I鈥檓 calling to voice my concern about the delay in the City Attorney鈥檚 report regarding the 2500-ft human healthy and safety buffer, with a 5-year phase-out in Los Angeles. With LA County now having the most coronavirus cases in the U.S., we can’t allow toxic air pollution from oil sites to continue damaging our lungs any further. We need LA City Attorney Mike Feuer to complete the report because we deserve clean and healthy neighborhoods. We say #NoDrillingWhereWereLiving and call on City Attorney Mike Feuer to release the report immediately.)

(SPAN: Hola, mi nombre es __________________ y vivo en la ciudad de Los 脕ngeles (diga el lugar de extracci贸n petrolera que est谩 cerca de su casa). Llamo para expresar mi preocupaci贸n por el retraso en el informe de la ciudad sobre la distancia de 2.500 pies que debe haber para la seguridad y salud de los humanos y la eliminaci贸n progresiva de estos lugares en Los 脕ngeles durante los pr贸ximos 5 a帽os. Dado que Los 脕ngeles tiene la mayor铆a de los casos de Coronavirus en los EE.UU., no podemos permitir que la contaminaci贸n t贸xica del aire de los lugares petroleros contin煤e da帽ando nuestros pulmones. Necesitamos que el Fiscal de la Ciudad de Los 脕ngeles, Mike Feuer, complete el informe porque merecemos vecindarios limpios y saludables. Decimos No a la Extracci贸n de Petr贸leo donde Vivimos y pedimos al Fiscal de la Ciudad, Mike Feuer que publique el informe inmediatamente.