Statewide: Climate Resilience Stories, Thursday, August 29, 2024, 11am-1pm

(Full Event Details) The Community Resilience Workgroup (CRWG), composed of nine environmental and social justice organizations, would like to invite you to a virtual peer learning session titled Climate Resilience Stories on Thursday, August 29 from 11am to 1 pm.

Join us to hear about local stories from the frontlines (from the Central Coast to San Diego), learn how to navigate PSE’s resilience hub mapping tool, and the benefits of urban agriculture in your neighborhood. 

This peer learning session will be held virtually on zoom, REGISTER TODAY.

Southeast Los Angeles: Sleepy Lagoon Memorial (Community Engagement Workshop), Friday, August 16, 5:30pm- 7:30pm

(Full Event Details) Join CBE and other community partners for a community engagement workshop where we will give park updates! We will have free food, music, and art activities! ✊🏾
¡Únase a CBE y otros socios comunitarios para un taller de participación comunitaria en el que brindaremos actualizaciones sobre el parque! ¡Tendremos comida, música y actividades artísticas gratuitas! ✊🏾

Location/ Ubicación: Riverfront Park, 5000 Slauson Ave, Maywood, CA 90270

*Update in location for this event, meet northeast of the playground (see map). *Actualización de la ubicación de este evento: encuentro al noreste del patio de juegos (ver mapa)

Environmental Justice Communities Win BIG!

(Full post)📢Environmental Justice has WON! ✊🏾 We defeated Big Oil’s attempt to overturn SB 1137, the law that would create 3,200 ft setbacks between sensitive community receptors and oil drilling sites. ⛑

📌On June 26th, 2024, Californians for Energy Independence pulled their referendum seeking to overturn SB1137 in the November 2024 election! 
This is the result of decades of organizing to protect our neighborhoods and communities in solidarity with CEJA, CEJA Action, Working Families for a Healthy California, CRPE, PSR-LA, APEN Action, Black Women for Wellness Action, VISION, CCEJN, and the Central California Asthma Collaborative.

🔥SB1137 will now immediately go into effect to protect the health and safety of working families living within the 3,200 feet of oil and gas drilling. A future where Wilmington will be free of neighborhood oil drilling is within reach! 🔥🥺

Our communities are thankful for the partnership of Senators Lena González, Monique Limón, and Assemblymember Issac Bryan for upholding these crucial safeguards

Please join us in celebrating this amazing victory by donating to CBE today so that our communities can continue to fight for clean air, water, and healthy places to live. Donate at 😊

Los Angeles: Tenant Know Your Rights Workshop, Saturday June 22, 2024 from 12-2pm

(Full Event Details) Are you a renter that is currently experiencing housing insecurities and aren’t sure if the tactics your landlord is using are legal?
In partnership with Stay Housed LA, local organizations are collaborating to host a “Tenants Know Your Rights” workshop to help renters ensure they understand their legal rights, the eviction process, and connect them with free resources available.  
📆 Join us, Saturday, June 22 from 12p-2p at the Compton Library Meeting Room to connect with local housing organizations and learn about the legal protections available for renters! Childcare, food, and Spanish interpretation will be available. To RSVP, please visit: 🔗

¿Eres un inquilino que está experimentando inseguridad en la vivienda y no estás seguro si las tácticas que está utilizando tu arrendador son legales?

En asociación con Stay Housed LA, organizaciones locales están colaborando para organizar un taller para ayudarle a Conocer Sus Derechos para ayudar a los inquilinos a que entiendan sus derechos legales, el proceso de desalojo y conectarlos con los recursos gratuitos disponibles.

📆 ¡Acompáñanos el sábado 22 de junio de 12pm a 2pm en la Sala de Reuniones de la Biblioteca de Compton para conectarse con organizaciones de vivienda locales y aprender sobre las protecciones legales disponibles para inquilinos! Habrá cuidado de niños, comida e interpretación en español disponible. Para confirmar su asistencia, visite: 🔗

Southeast Los Angeles: “Decades” Film Screening, Friday, May 3rd, 7-9pm

Proyección de película, “Décadas” viernes 3 de mayo, de 7 a 9pm.

(Full event details) You are invited to a FREE community film screening of DECADES– a short film about the Southeast LA communities that shut Exide Technologies down. Exide recklessly spewed lead contamination to about 110,000 people in the surrounding communities, the ongoing push for state accountability and a neighborhood cleanup continues…

Te invitamos a una proyección gratuita y comunitaria de DECADAS, un cortometraje sobre las comunidades del sureste de Los Ángeles que cerraron a Exide Technologies. Exide imprudentemente arrojó contaminación de plomo a unas 110,000 personas en las comunidades circundantes. La presión constante para que el estado rinda cuentas y se limpie el vecindario continúa…

“New Usc Poll Shows 71% Support To Keep Historic Law Preventing Toxic Oil Drilling Near Schools, Hospitals And Neighborhoods” February, 2, 2024

Survey Shows Strong Backing Across Age, Race and Gender

SACRAMENTO, Calif. , Feb. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Today the Campaign for a Safe and Healthy California (CSHC) shared newly released survey results from the University of Southern California Dornsife showing support to “KEEP THE LAW” (SB 1137) against toxic drilling in neighborhoods at 71% of likely voters.

“Voters know that Big Oil is trying to overturn a historic public safety law that would protect our communities from toxic drilling, and they will overwhelmingly vote to KEEP THE LAW,” said Darryl Molina Sarmiento, executive director of Communities for a Better Environment, a co-founding coalition member of Standing Together Against Neighborhood Drilling L.A. and the Campaign for a Safe and Healthy California. “Our broad and diverse coalition, including youth and working families living next to neighborhood oil drilling, will work every day until the election to ensure that voters have the information they need to protect the health and safety of our communities and keep the law that establishes a 3,200 foot buffer zone from homes, schools and hospitals in place.”

February, 2, 2024: PRNewswire, “New Usc Poll Shows 71% Support To Keep Historic Law Preventing Toxic Oil Drilling Near Schools, Hospitals And Neighborhoods”

“LISTEN: Idalmis Vaquero on turning community priorities into policies” January 17, 2024

Idalmis Vaquero joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss her upbringing in an environmental justice neighborhood, how it led her to law school, and how Just Solutions turns communities’ priorities into policies.

January 17, 2024: Environmental Health News,“LISTEN: Idalmis Vaquero on turning community priorities into policies”

East Oakland: Hands-On Community Visioning Session, Sunday, January 28, 12-4pm

Sesión práctica de visión de la comunidad, domingo, 28 de enero, 12-4pm

Oakland Public Library, 1021 81st Ave, Oakland, CA, 94621

(Full Event Details) Join us for a hands-on visioning session with Place It!’s James Rojas to imagine an Oakland Colesium that works for all of us! Lunch will be served between 12-1pm. Spanish translation and childcare will be provided. Click here to sign up.

¡Juntese con nosotros para un sesión práctica de visión de la comunidad con James Rojas de Place It! imaginar un Colesio Oakland que funciona para todos nosotros! Se servirá almuerzo de 12-1pm. Serán disponibles en Español y cuidado de niños están disponibles. Inscribase aquí.

SB 1137: This November, KEEP THE LAW when you head to the polls!

(Full post) On September 16th, 2022, we won statewide 3,200ft science-based health and safety protective buffer zones 🎉 between oil drilling operations and sensitive receptors like homes, schools, parks, and hospitals when California’s Governor, Gavin Newsom, signed SB1137 into law. This was a huge moment for us and the future health of many frontline communities throughout our state, like Wilmington, CA, who have been fighting for healthier air for YEARS by advocating for an end to neighborhood oil drilling. ✊🏾🙌🏾 

El 16 de septiembre del 2022, ganamos zonas de amortiguamiento de seguridad y salud basadas en la ciencia de 3,200 pies en todo el estado 🎉 entre operaciones de perforación petrolera y receptores sensibles como hogares, escuelas, parques y hospitales cuando el gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, promulgó la ley SB1137. Este fue un gran momento para nosotros y para la salud futura de muchas comunidades de primera línea en todo nuestro estado, como Wilmington, CA, que han estado luchando por un aire más saludable durante AÑOS abogando por el fin de la extracción de petróleo en los vecindarios. 

Shortly after the bill was signed, big oil spent over $20 million, at times, misleading signature gathering campaign throughout the state. They collected enough signatures to formally qualify the bill for a referendum; SB1137 is officially on the November 2024 ballot as a referendum. This November, we need to vote to keep the recently passed law to reduce the carcinogens, pollution, and smog in our local neighborhoods so that we can all have clean, safe air to breathe.  We must stand up to oil corporations who are using the referenda process to reverse community-led policy wins, this law was shaped by those who live next to harmful neighborhood oil drilling operations, who made their voices heard, lobbied their state representatives, and will continue to fight for the change that they long deserve.

Poco después de que se firmara el proyecto de ley, la gran industria petrolera gasto más de 20 millones de dólares, en ocasiones, en campañas engañosas de recolección de firmas en todo el estado. Recogieron suficientes firmas para calificar formalmente el proyecto de ley para un referéndum; La SB1137 está oficialmente en la boleta electoral de noviembre de 2024 como referéndum. Este noviembre, debemos votar para mantener la ley recientemente aprobada para reducir los carcinógenos, la contaminación y el smog en nuestros vecindarios locales para que todos podamos tener aire limpio y seguro para respirar. Debemos hacer frente a las corporaciones petroleras que están utilizando el proceso de referendos para revertir las victorias políticas lideradas por la comunidad; esta ley fue diseñada por aquellos que viven cerca de operaciones de perforación petrolera dañinas en los vecindarios, quienes hicieron oír sus voces, presionaron a sus representantes estatales y siguen luchando por el cambio que tanto merecen. 

What can you do to help and what’s at stake this November? Talk to your friends, family, and anyone who votes to inform them of this process. We have the power to KEEP THE LAW by voting this November (2024). It’s time to hold greedy Big Oil CEOs and the politicians they support accountable to protective health measures that help neighborhoods perpetually exposed to pollution. Currently, Californians live with nearly 30,000 oil wells within a half mile of homes, schools, hospitals and other sensitive sites throughout the state. We must work together to ensure that the election reaffirms what frontline communities have known for decades—we must keep oil drilling away from our children and families.

¿Qué puedes hacer para ayudar y qué está a riesgo este noviembre? Habla con tus amigos, familiares y cualquier persona que vote para informarles sobre este proceso. Tenemos el poder de MANTENER LA LEY con nuestro voto este noviembre (2024). Es hora de responsabilizar a los codiciosos directores ejecutivos de la gran industria petrolera y a los políticos que apoyan sobre las medidas de protección de la salud que ayudan a los vecindarios perpetuamente expuestos a la contaminación. Actualmente, los californianos viven con casi 30,000 pozos petroleros a menos de media milla de hogares, escuelas, hospitales y otros sitios sensibles en todo el estado. Debemos trabajar juntos para garantizar que las elecciones reafirmen lo que las comunidades de primera línea han sabido durante décadas: debemos mantener la extracción de petróleo fuera del alcance de nuestros hijos y familias. 

The power is 100% in the hands of the voters here. Let’s show them that no amount of money can deny the collective POWER OF THE PEOPLE! ✊🏾 

Aquí el poder está 100% en manos de los votantes. ¡Demostrémosles que ninguna cantidad de dinero puede negar el PODER colectivo DEL PUEBLO! ✊🏾